Supporting Learning and Leadership with Technology

Choosing the technology that best suits the lesson or learning goals is vitally important.  Educators today have a wealth of information and resources available to them, and sometimes choosing the right ones can be overwhelming.  Technology can truly enhance a lesson, but it can also impede learning if it is not used appropriately (Lever-Duffy & McDonald, 2011).  Lessons can be overwhelming for students if too much technology is used, and this can cause confusion and lack of retention.  Information might not make sense if the wrong form of technology is used, and this can cause students to struggle to succeed.  Because of this, educators need to make smart decisions about what forms of technology to use in the classroom (Wright & Wilson, 2011). This paper will examine a previous assignment completed for the MATLT program.  The lesson required the student to prepare a lesson then revise it to incorporate technology.  Upon review, the revision needs further revision, so the lesson will be re-crafted with better use of technology. 

Original Assignment

(Includes an original assignment and a revision which were both previously completed for another course)

Original Assignment:

PSYCH 100 – Introduction to Psychology

In groups of 3-5 students each, create a poster that demonstrates the various learning theories we have discussed this week. Your group’s poster should include the cognitive learning theory, behavioral learning theory, and social learning theory. Then, present your poster to the class, and explain which of the theories best fits with your view of learning, and why

Original Revised Assignment:

PSYCH100 – Introduction to Psychology

In groups of 3-5 students each, research the various learning theories we have discussed this week.  Prepare a non-linear PowerPoint presentation that highlights the main points of each of the theories, cognitive learning, behavioral learning, and social learning.  You will present your power point presentation to the class and explain which of the theories best fits with each group member’s view of learning. A slide should be devoted to each group member’s choice with a list of the reasons why that choice was made.  Your presentation must include at least one link to an outside website that contains information that supplements the material you have presented about one of the theories.  Your presentation should also include at least one video clip that explains one of the theories. This video clip can be retrieved from the internet or filmed by the students themselves.  Make sure to include a “home” button so your presentation is easily navigable as well as an outline that links to each of the appropriate pages of your presentation.

Revision of Assignment

PSYCH100 – Introduction to Psychology

Instructor will lecture about the learning theories in psychology.  Instructor will use the Smart Board to show visual representations of the theories in action as well as information from outside sources about the theorists, their lives, and the things in their lives that might have contributed to the development of their theories.

Students will then be given access to a classroom wiki and will be directed to a page on the wiki for work on this assignment.  Students will be given time in class to access the wiki but will also be encouraged to participate in the wiki assignment outside of class.  The wiki board will instruct students to engage in an online discussion about the merits of each of these theories.  The goal of this lesson is for students to consider different opinions and ideas about the theories and to have the opportunity, through wiki discussion, to cement these theories in their minds.

Students will then be instructed to complete the power point presentation as described above, except they will each focus on a single, different theory.  This will allow students to really get into the details of one theory and to learn in more detail about the other theories from the other students.

Discussion & Challenges

            This assignment was revised in order to meet the learning objective of this program to “demonstrate the ability to make informed decisions regarding the use of technology in support of learning and leadership”.  The first assignment was sufficient, but it did not engage students in the best way using technology.  The goal with the revision was to address the learning principles that focus on meeting the needs of as many students as possible with the use of technology. In addition, it sought to meet the learning principle that technology needs to be appropriately matched with the lesson material; otherwise neither the lesson nor the technology will be effective. 

            The addition of the wiki portion of the assignment was made for a number of reasons.  The wiki will allow students to collaborate.  Witney & Smallbone (2011) report that wikis have a great deal of potential for increasing collaboration in the classroom. The key is to introduce them in a way that encourages participation and instruct students to use them in a way that is engaging.  In order to do this, the wiki will pose specific questions to the students.  The instructor will go to the wiki periodically and add new discussion points.  This will encourage more thoughtful interaction.  The instructor will also encourage productive discussion by going in and commenting on the discussion and asking questions directly to different students. 

            The Power Point part of the assignment was retained for multiple reasons.  Power Point is an effective way to communicate information in an interesting way.  New versions of Power Point allow the learner to provide internet links and interesting dimension to what could otherwise be mundane material (Parette, Hourcade, & Blum, 2011).  In order to ensure that students have retained the information they have learned, the Power Point presentation allows the instructor to assess their learning and retention of the material.  Assessment is an important part of this lesson because it will reflect whether the lesson has met its learning objectives (Duncan & Buskirk-Cohen, 2011).  The wiki is an important part of the learning process but does not provide an easy way to assess student accomplishment.  The Power Point presentation on the other hand will serve as a perfect assessment tool because students have certain expectations they must meet in their presentations, and those expectation are clear.

            The major challenge in designing this assignment was choosing the appropriate technology to match the lesson.  Even with all of the focus in the MATLT program on choosing appropriate technology, it is still sometimes difficult to make the best match.  In this instance, I reviewed the lesson and felt that the use of Power Point was appropriate.  I started looking at other assignments because this one seemed to already have a good match between lesson and technology.  I was having difficulty finding another new lesson to revise, so I returned to this one.  I looked at it again from a new perspective.  I decided to consider the lesson with other technologies because even though Power Point might work, there could be another technology out there that would be a better match. 

As I started considering technologies, I had to think of how the technology would be used in the lesson, and whether its use in the lesson would actually add to the lesson.  Some technologies seemed inappropriate.  For example, I considered constructing a blog, but this did not seem to add much to the lesson.  Students could be instructed to make blog posts and comment on each other’s posts, but I did not see this adding enough benefit to justify its use.  After considering the blog, I started considering the wiki.  The wiki would allow the students to really delve into the differences between the theories.  The wiki would allow the instructor to pose new questions to the students to stimulate discussion just as the instructor would in the real classroom.  The wiki would hopefully increase collaboration and build relationships.  This seemed like the best way to attack the material while also giving students the opportunity to engage in the information in new and exciting ways.


            Revising this assignment was extremely beneficial.  I was able to locate a lesson that seemed to have an appropriate use of technology with lesson and consider the technology usage even more.  This extended consideration opened my eyes to the possibility that one technology choice could be good but that another technology choice could be even better.  It is true that matching technology to the lesson is the best way to ensure that the students will gain the most from the lesson.




Duncan, T., & Buskirk-Cohen, A.A.  (2011).  Exploring learner-centered assessment:  A cross-disciplinary approach.  International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 23(2), 246-259.

Lever-Duffy, J. & McDonald, J. B. (2011). Teaching and learning with technology (4th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc./Allyn & Bacon.

Parette, H.P., Hourcade, J., & Blum, C.  (2011).  Using animation in Microsoft PowerPoint to enhance engagement and learning in young learners with developmental delay.  Teaching Exception Children, 43(4), 58-67.

Witney, D., & Smallbone, T.  (2011). Wiki work:  Can using wikis enhance student collaboration for group assignment tasks?  Innovations in Education & Teaching International, 48(1), 101-110.

Wright, V.H., & Wilson, E.K.  (2011).  Teachers’ use of technology:  Lessons learned from the teacher education program to the classroom.  SRATE Journal, 20(2), 48-60.


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